GDPR Information

Nominated data protection officer:

Founder & CTO: Tony Maguire

Is this GDPR safe?

Yes, prospecting and lead gen with Aries is safe. You can read more here, here and here - GDPR does not ban the use of cold emailing, but the emails being sent must be directed to people who will find the content useful, in addition to following standard GDPR rules (outlined below).

Do I need to be GDPR compliant?

If you are marketing to customers in Europe, you will need to be GDPR compliant.

What has Aries done to ensure compliancy?

• Nominated a data protection officer (DPO)
• Reviewed all suppliers and partners to ensure their compliance with GDPR
• Understand GDPR and the rules and regulations
• Reviewed our processes to ensure GDPR compliancy

To comply with GDPR when sending your emails, you must ensure:
The topic of the email must be clearly identified.
There must be a clear way to opt out from future emails, e.g. unsubscribe link (and this must be functional).
A genuine physical address must be included in the email.
The sender must be clearly identified.
You should also
Delete emails that are no longer required
Learn how to delete emails from your database and/or email software